my sozo story

“I am so thankful for Kara and Sozo Yoga. After having surgery on my knee, I tried everything to regain full use of my left leg, including physical therapy, chiropractic weight, training, acupuncture, etc. It wasn’t until I began attending Hot, 26 that my leg returned to full flexibility and function. I can actually run again! There is something about the combination of the heat and the postures in 26/2 that was the secret sauce for me. Add to that the aesthetic, welcoming environment, and smiling instructors that greet you when you arrive and it is no wonder it was voted Best Yoga Studio in Atlanta! If you haven’t visited yet, I highly encourage you to give it a try. They have a class for everybody.

Sozo yoga has been such a blessing to me. I reached a plateau with my recovery from knee surgery. But, the combination of heat and postures of Hot 26 allowed me to make a full recovery. I am so grateful to Kara and the instructors at Sozo Yoga!" -Cathy


MY sozo Story


my sozo story