my sozo story

I attended my first yoga class mainly out of support of my friend, Kara. I had been nursing a back injury that took me out of my normal workout routine and thought maybe some “stretching” might be helpful. Boy, did I get way more out of yoga than a good stretch!! Not only has yoga helped my back, but I am much stronger mentally, as well as, physically. At Sozo, Kara has created a welcoming community that truly embraces a healthy mind, body and spirit. I have learned to “change my mind” when a posture seems too difficult, and that philosophy has spilled over into my daily life. Physically, yoga has helped with my flexibility and muscle tone. I love the heaters! The heat gets my heartrate up and also allows me to go deeper into the postures.  All of the instructors are so personable and each one truly wants every student to be successful. It is a magical place, and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to practice at Sozo! -Mikki


My sozo story