Taylor Bashta

Growing up, I watched my dad faithfully run 3x a week, and doing body weight workouts at home. He still runs at 73! My mom was very interested in health food and made her own bread from scratch, even milling her own wheat! So I've always had a desire to be healthy.  While in college at Auburn University, I started running. I ran my first half marathon in my early twenties and stayed pretty active. But my weight would still fluctuate based on diet. I struggled with infertility and some hormone issues and really decided to clean up my diet to aid in trying to balance my hormones. It made a huge difference and I got pregnant! When my baby was 1 years old and I stopped nursing, I knew I was at a crossroads in my life. I could get back in shape, or not. I knew if I chose not too, and continued having babies it would be so much harder. So i found a small crossfit gym in Marietta, Ga with a female coach and fell in love! I had never really done a lot of weight training before, and I was amazed at the results I saw in my body, and in my mental health! I loved that hour a day that was just for me! I had two more babies and continued to crossfit through both pregnancies! I started my journey with consistently weight training mixed with cardio 10 years ago and have never looked back.

At 42 years old, and 4 kids, I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life through consistency, clean eating, weight training, and some cardio. When covid hit and all the gyms closed, I started leading outdoor workouts in my neighborhood and I realized how much fun it was to share my passion for health and wellness with other people. I got my certification as a personal trainer that summer and began working at GTS! I truly do love helping other people find what I found- that they can do more than they think they can, they can get back in shape and push, and they can see the results they are looking for. Being healthy in mind, body, and spirit is my passion!